“Stravinsky's Dialogues: Switzerland” is a new project by Stravinsky.online, the first Russian online platform dedicated to contemporary music. The project is supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.
“Stravinsky's Dialogues” is a series of video interviews with Russian and Swiss contemporary art figures. The project aims to present a three-dimensional map of Swiss music scene as well as to establish a dialogue between the musicians of the two countries.
The guests of the “Dialogues” are composers, musicians, performers, musicologists, curators. Participants on Russian part are Stravinsky.online team plus composers, performers, and contemporary art critics. The participants were chosen by experts Johannes Knapp (Switzerland) and Sergej Tchirkov (Russia).
Interviews will be published over the next few months at the Stravinsky.online website and YouTube channel in video, text, and audio formats.
One of the conversations will be centered on an overview of Swiss and Russian musical scene provided by experts Johannes Knapp (Switzerland) and Sergej Tchirkov (Russia). The results of the project will be presented at the end of the project at the online discussion between experts, participants and viewers.
All relevant information about the project (schedule, releases, information about participants, etc.) can be found on this page.
Dialogue 17: Oscar Bianchi & Elina Andrianova
Dialogue 18: Michel Roth & Kirill Arkhipov